Saturday, July 10, 2010

rainy day

today its raining. today its humid. today it is 79 degrees. and here i am feeling tired after a long day of job searching. i come home to check my group and listen to music while i work on my story. yes i am a writer. i write romantic supernatural fantasy stories. mainly based around vampires. before any of u start yes i liked twilight. i am not a obsessed twilight fan but i do like it. anyway just a normal day of relaxation. but it sucks because i got freakin writers blocks lol but oh well i can still think of stuff.

Friday, July 9, 2010

the fuck ups

Today we will disuss other peoples fuck ups. like is it really that hard to do something right? no its not. all you have to do is not fuck up. really. i mean if your going to fuck up then at least take the responsibility for it. dont start with the excuses cause they wont get you anywhere. that is what is wrong with the world today we dont accept responsibilities like adult and then we become the fuck ups.there is nothing wrong with accepting you were wrong. really there isnt so put your pride or whatever aside and grow up. think of others instead of yourself you selfish bastards. and do the right thing. dont be a child be the age you are. dont fuck up. and you will be fine. problem solved. ~eden


alright so i know everything revolves around love its not something you can change or fix or get out of. but damn. relationships can be hard work. i mean it. its not easy maintaining one. especially when your at a distance. but hey if you truly love the person then you work through that shit and keep going. but the main part of this rant is to talk about how some people are racial when it comes to relationships. yes im talking to you people who only date certain kinds of guys/girls. you look for people who are the same color as you. and just to let you know that is stupid to do. really it is. your an idiot. but anyway let me not get off topic here. you cant just say ill date this person because they are the same skin tone as me. no. thats not how it works. you cant do that. thats not right. especially if the person who is a different color then you really really REALLY likes you. your wrong to judge that person. your wrong to turn them down because of their skin color. i mean someday soon we will all be just one color. we will all no longer be like that person is this color and because they are that color that means this or that. hello people! time to wake up and smell the coffee. if you truly want to find someone and then you gotta broaden your horizon. dont just look for one person out of millions or billions. love someone for who they are on the inside not the outside. and im sure things will turn out great.